
Showing posts from 2019

Perspective of the learner

So, now the course has had it's "take-off" and we are in the air. I have met parts of my PBL-group and our collaboration has begun 😃, really happy about that. I'm now trying to begin to unravel the mysteries of the ONL. I have decided to try the student's perspective for my blog, or rather the learners perspective. With that I mean that learner is someone more active and responsible who is supported by a facilitator rather than a student with teachers who "runs the show". As a learner I think about what is important to me in the start and I come up with three questions, a.k.a. my fears. Is this really something for me? - have I understood the point of the course and is it worthwhile What am I supposed to do? - what are the tasks in the course and will they be manageable Who are the people I will work with? - are we going to collaborate well or more important will I like them and will they like me So far so good, I feel good about the course,

Facilitating as a lifestyle...

I might tell you something about myself. I am a lecturer in pedagogics who mainly sees myself as a facilitator. Both in regards to students and also to colleagues. The facilitating business can be how to post something in the learning platform, how to start a seminar on a specific topic or how to finish a knitting project. I have my background in social work and teaching psychology and social sciences to adult learners but have spent the last fifteen years at Linneaus University, Department of Pedagogy. ICT and Nonverbal Behavior are big interests

Let's start

Trying to set up my blog. It probably will change a lot in appearance before it's done 😊