Perspective of the learner
So, now the course has had it's "take-off" and we are in the air. I have met parts of my PBL-group and our collaboration has begun 😃, really happy about that. I'm now trying to begin to unravel the mysteries of the ONL. I have decided to try the student's perspective for my blog, or rather the learners perspective. With that I mean that learner is someone more active and responsible who is supported by a facilitator rather than a student with teachers who "runs the show". As a learner I think about what is important to me in the start and I come up with three questions, a.k.a. my fears. Is this really something for me? - have I understood the point of the course and is it worthwhile What am I supposed to do? - what are the tasks in the course and will they be manageable Who are the people I will work with? - are we going to collaborate well or more important will I like them and will they like me So far so good, I feel good about the course,...